
"In this meeting, God has spoken to me in a very special way mostly the way I used to raise Money for Projects. I can now depend on the God that gave me a project to finance it to his own glory."

- Rev. Kenneth D. Elisha, Christian Fellowship Evangelistic Ministry.


"I didn’t just come to the Conference, but I was led by God in the dream to attend. The teachings I received today have changed my mentality about Finances."

- Pst. Peter U. (Esq), Word Bride Global Mission.


"This Ministers summit is a mind-blowing type to me, my eyes were open when you said that "Ministers are called to make people rich", it is my duty to disciple people and develop them."

- Evang. Rose Bassey Sunday, Assemblies of God Church.


"It has given me a direction for my next level, it has brought healing to some financial issues and burden that was upon my life and has also helped me to separate between my Family Financial budget and Ministry, which I am operating together. I am delivered from poor and wrong financing methods of Ministry project."

- Pst. Ukeme Silas, Wealth Creation Foundation Int’l.


"I benefited in many ways from this Summit. You encourage me to depend and trust in God. Your teaching has changed my mentality and I believe that from now on, my Ministry has changed."

- Evang. Friday Akpan, Kingdom Builders Ministry.


"My whole focus is wholly on God now, as the one that can take care of the Ministry and enable me to get to the height I desire in Ministry."

- Asuquo A. Asuquo, Church of God Mission Intl.

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