Our Mandate
"O Israel, thy prophets are like the foxes in the deserts. Ye have not gone up into the gaps, neither made up the hedge for the house of Israel to stand in the battle in the day of the Lord."
-Ezekiel 13:4-5
Close the gaps, repair the breaches and strengthen the defenses.
We have been called to join forces with God to rebuild the defenses of the body so that God's people will be able to stand against every attack of the devil and fulfill the mandate of God for their lives.
This is a non-denominational movement committed to excellence in ministry and every minister fulfilling their divine mandate.
We seek to sharpen every vessel of God so that they can remain relevant, potent and effective in their area of calling.
Our meetings are designed to address specific issues of life and ministry as it affects the body Christ. We strive to bring back the whole truth in an uncompromising and undiluted way. Our teachings are bible based and bible supported and you are left to determine for yourself without coercion whether to believe it and what to do with it.
Every of our teaching have been a major blessing to all the ministers in attendance and many ministries have been transformed by them.
We look forward to having you, your pastor and your minister friends in one of our meetings. If you are skeptical about what we do, my word to you is this “come and see”.
Ministers Summit: A half-day teaching focused on a challenging subject very relevant in ministry. It runs quarterly in each location. The teaching is rounded up with an interactive question and answers session.
Ministers Conference: The conference is a full day teaching and impartation meeting. The conference challenges and empowers ministers to further their calling and impact their communities. It is a major vehicle for revival and effectiveness in ministry. It is run half yearly.
Ministers Convention: This is a yearly meeting design to equip ministers with the tools to succeed. It provides the opportunity to interact with ministers who are in the cutting edge of the kingdom work. Speakers are drawn from around the world and they are men and women with proven ministry impact.
The focus of our meetings is addressing issues that are affecting the body of Christ and correcting areas where we have deviated from the bible patterns. There are always rooms for question and answers as well as interactions during the meetings.
It is our mandate to have this meeting running all over the nations to be a blessing to the people who are laboring in God's vineyard. If you will like to have us in your towns and cities you can get in touch with us and we will work with you to make it happen.