
"God raised you especially for a special work in his vineyard, thank God. I am a beneficiary of this Grace. It has shaped and sharpened me to work more for God. God bless you and your Team."

- Sunny Ukaibe, Success Codes International Church.


"The Teaching Is very educative and a practical one. it has changed my mindset for the work of Ministry."

- Micheal O. Opia, C.P.M.


"This Meeting has taught me to place my trust on the Lord not on man."

- Pst. Ralph Chike Umunnan, Go Tell Others Ministry.


"Some confusion in my life and ministry have been cleared."

- Aloma Stanley, Heaven Dew Chapel.


"I must Sincerely say that today’s meeting has been a great blessing to me. it’s been insightful. I believe that by the grace of God as I dwell more on these issues, my Ministry will be better."

- Christian Benjamin, Apostolic League of Ministers.


"It has added Value into my Life."

- Evang. Chima Ude, Christain Heirtage Ministries.

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