
"The teaching is scripturally base and very impactive."

- Pst. Samuel Chukwu.


"This teaching is a 360 turnaround experience to my life and ministry. Recommended for every minister."

- Anonymous.


"My faith is provoked in the area of giving and total dependant on God. A must for every minister."

- Rev. Onyenyiri-Jesus, Bible Conversion Church.


"With this teaching, fear is banished in my life, now I know I can make it great in my ministry."

- Pst. Asika Igbokwe, Precious Faith Christian Centre.


"Its spiritual, filled with powerful life transforming revelation."

- Rev. G. E. Alex, Victory of Christ Mission.


"This meeting has giving me the secret of church growth both financially, important of giving and trusting God in all. Every minister should suspend every other thing and attend."

- Pst. I.K. Ezegwui, Word Sonic Bible Church.


"This meeting has impacted me with the ability to give even to other ministries and entre Gods service. I will encourage every minister to attend."

- Pst. Ruth Emeh, Army of God Holy Ghost Mission.


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